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Reclaiming Our Narratives: Stereotypical "Bants" About Black Women
The sincerity in Ryan Clark's breakdown of why it's not cool for Black women to be the continued source of stereotypical jokes resonates deeply. His call to stop reducing Black women to unfair and harmful caricatures transcends borders, finding relevance here in the UK as much as in the U.S.
Inclusion is The Great Multiplier!
In today's fast-paced and competitive world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to stand out from the competition, stay innovative, and outperform their rivals. They implement different strategies and initiatives to try to achieve these goals, but one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is inclusion. Inclusion, as the great multiplier, is and should be seen as the cornerstone that successful businesses are built on, catalysing increased performance, employee engagement, and sustainable growth.
The new regulatory framework for D & I is coming to Financial services organisations. Are you ready for it?
Financial services organisations are being held to task by investors and the FCA. A common opinion is that Financial services are significantly behind on Diversity, Equality, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB), and some have even gone as far as saying that a lot of what has been done so far in may organisations, has just been lip service.